So instead of writing a post about some cool tech or educational tool I have grown fond of I have decided to take a little trip. You see I am beginning my 39th trip around the Sun soon and have a few things to ponder. Now before anyone says oh that is still young or just wait! I want to clear a few things up. GULP
1. Someday I would understand how actions have consequences and that you have to live with them------ My parents were right
2. When my Dad use to tell me that when I got older the things I hold close will be very different than when I was a teenager----- He was right
3. I laughed when I was told high school and college would be the easiest part of my life------They were right
4. When I was young and saw adults who would say "nah you can't teach an old dog a new trick, I am too old to learn that"------- they were Wrong
5. Some day if you have kids you will cry the first time your eyes meet yours------- Thanks Dad you were right.... one of my best memories :)
6. I use to say I will just do it tomorrow. My parents would say time fly's by don't wait too long -----they were right
7. My Mom would tell me to make sure to stop and see your Grandparents they won't be around forever----- She was right I should have stopped more, I miss them
8. The only person you have to convince is yourself------ Thanks for the confidence Mom
9. Always treat people well everyone is going through something------- Thanks Dad
10. Always hold the door for people it shows you have have manners------ Thanks Grandma
the list could go on and on.........
Now I understand 39 is not old but when I talk to my children and ask them when is a person old they say I don't know 40? I came to the conclusion last year there will come a day sooner than later that I will not be able to do the things I still want to do.
So I will take extra time to celebrate with my family. Make a special trip with my kids. Continue with my dreams I still have for myself. Never stop learning something new. I will believe I can do anything. I will dance with my kids and act silly for as long as they will let me. I will show them it is a sign of strength to pick yourself up and try again.
Enjoy the little things........ pass on the importance of life lesson...... because even when I think they are not listening they are....
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